Home Enumerating Linux Processes Through LFI

Enumerating Linux Processes Through LFI

In this post, we’ll be exploring a technique to enumerate Linux processes through a web application vulnerable to LFI (Local File Inclusion).

File inclusion vulnerabilities allow attackers to read arbitrary files from local or remote systems and include the contents of the files in the web server’s response.

A Vulnerable Web App

We’ll use a simple php script to simulate a vulnerable web application. As shown in the following code, the include statement is used to copy into the lfi.php page, the contents of the file passed to the lang variable:

} ?>

The following image shows a request/response to our web application, using the vulnerable parameter lang to read the /etc/passwd file:


The Proc File System

On Linux, the /proc directory contains one subdirectory for every process running on the system. These subdirectories are named after each process ID number (PID) that is active.

Inside the PID subdirectories, we’ll find several files with information related to the running process. For example, to get the command-line arguments used to start a service, we can read the cmdline file inside the corresponding subdirectory. In the following image, 915 is the PID for the Apache server process:


A full list of these files and it’s purpose can be found here.

Enumerating PIDs with Ffuf

We’ll create list with the numbers from 1 to 5000, and fuzz the PIDs with ffuf. Since all requests returns a 200 status code, we’ll use the -fw 1 switch to filter responses with less than 2 words:

for i in $(seq 1 5000); do echo $i >> pid.txt; done && \
ffuf -c -w pid.txt:FUZZ -u -fw 1


Now we can read the cmdfile of any of the found PIDs. In the following example, we’ve discovered that on PID 4406, the user rgivens is running a bind shell on port 65534:


Pythonizing the Process

I’ve created a python script to automate the process and write the contents of the extracted PID files into an output file for offline review. You can download the script here.

The parameters passed to the script are:

URLThe web application URL including the vulnerable parameter.
Max PID CountThe maximum number of PIDs to try starting from 1.
Proc FileName of the file we want to read from inside the PID subdirectory.
Output FileName of the output file.

Here's a snippet replicating the attack with the Python script:



When used properly, file inclusion is a feature and not a bug. But poor implementation turns it into a critical vulnerability. Some general recommendations developers can use to prevents LFI attacks include:

  • Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF).
  • Never trust user input, and make sure to implement proper input validation against file inclusion.
  • Implement whitelisting for file names and locations as well as blacklisting.
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